Home | Who are these morons!? | Why should I read this trash... | Episode 1: The real reason. | Episode 2: Ramblings | Episode 3: The history of the Goat | Episode 4: ! The Survey ! | Episode 5: Time Travelling Goat Haters | Episode 6: Time Travelling Marshmallows | Episode 7: The original Words to "I was made for loving you" by Kiss | Episode 8: Again with the Ramblings.... | Episode 9: The sect of GunNarhia-Onn-Mhy-Buttuk | Episode 10: Return of the Fuckwhits | Episode 11: The Endless Summer of Fun - a Letter | Other Odd Ornaments
Here Beginneth this crap...

Episode 10: Return of the Fuckwhits

Over thousands of years, Earth has been bombarded by mystic cosmic rays from the furtherest reaches of space!!  These freakish emissions have caused great distress for the Mountain abiding mammals in particular.  One of these, a radioactive goat, traveled to a small town in north queensland, Australia and impregnated a passing woman.   The resulting child was fucking ugly, so they shot it and tried again.  THAT child was raised as a normal boy, until at puberty he became….


Handsome Pudding is a crime-fighting hero that roams the darkened night-time streets of Brisbane city.  He can be regularly seen passed out in the gutter from too much alcohol consumption.

Handsome Pudding holds the super-human powers of being able to lift small objects with ease, leaping above average distances and the all-powerful ability to run away from dangerous situations.

Handsome Pudding has few friends, and those who do occasionally talk to him try to keep the convocation to a minimum.  His friends include, Napzman, The hairy Fuzzboi and the all-famous Duffman!

Handsome Pudding has many arch-enemies, the most evil of which is Crabs.  Crabs is a super villain with many STD’s who also roams the streets of Brisbane.  Handsome Pudding has had multiple run-ins with Crabs and is now continually seeing a doctor for treatment for his ‘personal rash’.

Handsome Pudding hopes to one day rid the street of alcohol and single women.  He aims to do this by drinking as much as possible and winning over attractive young ladies.

Handsome Pudding lives by his superhero beliefs, stated below.

Handsome Pudding’s Creed of being a superhero


  • No matter what my problem is, it’s the fault of someone other than myself, and the appropriate response is to find that person and kill him with my bare hands.
  • To be truly attractive, a woman must wear high heels and an outfit so tight you can tell whether she’s cold or not from across the room.
  • There are two kinds of woman in the world: The type that want to go to bed with you, and the type that want to kill you.  Both types are physically attractive and under 25 years old.
  • If I can find an important enough mission, it will supersede my obligations to perform household chores, bathe and/or call the next day.
  • If I go without bathing, curse a lot and treat women badly, they will all adore me.
  • If a woman tries to clean a bullet wound and I curse in pain, she will fall in love with me, then we will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • Anyone who isn’t a cop, mercenary soldier, and/or private investigator is a homosexual.  Or at least a sissy.
  • If I have a prolonged fistfight with another guy and neither of us dies, we will become best friends.
  • My archenemy will bear an uncanny resemblance to my father, and he will make it clear that he has gained a deep respect for me before I kill him with my bare hands.
  • When I shoot people, they will die quickly and cleanly, and I will never be arrested or troubled by their widowed wife and children.  When evil people shoot me, I will at most receive a ‘flesh wound’, which will be tended to by a beautiful woman before I kill the evil person with my bare hands and engage in mind-blowing passionate love making with the beautiful women.
  • Because I am white I will have at least one friend that is a black guy, who will die in a horrific pool of blood and bullets.  I will have an emotional moment with my dying black friend, just before I kill the enemy with my bare hands.  My black friend’s former girlfriend/wife/lover will fall for me, then we will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • If I marry, the villain will kill my wife halfway through our prolonged battle, which will urge me to even greater levels of violence.
  • If an aged scientist is involved in any way, he will have a beautiful daughter who will gaze at me adoringly. I will curse and then the beautiful daughter and I will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • If royalty is involved, it will include a beautiful rich princess who will gaze at me adoringly.  I will curse and then the beautiful rich princess and I will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • If I have a kid partner, he will be tightly muscled, clean-cut and gaze at me adoringly.
  • If I have a kid partner who gazes at me adoringly in an inappropriate homosexual manor, I will kill him with my bare hands.
  • If I am asked to compete against a world champion at any sport or game of any type, I will win.  His girlfriend/wife/lover will fall in love with me. This will infuriate my opponent, who will then try to kill me.  I will promptly kill him with my bare hands. I will curse and then my opponent’s former girlfriend/wife/lover and I will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • If my opponent has a sidekick or henchman, he will never have a sensible name like ‘Rick’ or ‘Steve’.
  • Beautiful women will frequently furrow their brows with concern and ask, “When’s the last time you got any sleep?”  I will curse and then we will engage in mind-blowing passionate lovemaking.
  • If a small furry adorable kitten is used to lure me into an explosive deadly trap, I will heroically save the kitten and murder the enemy with my bear hands while feeding the adorable kitten milk and cat-biscuits.
  • If a small furry adorable kitten is strapped with C4 by the enemy in an attempt kill me, I will promptly boot the kitten into the enemy's hideout.
  • Every Thursday I will make cupcakes for the local Primary school and pick pretty flowers for the aged care home.  Every second Friday I will get a manicure and a hair treatment.

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