Home | Who are these morons!? | Why should I read this trash... | Episode 1: The real reason. | Episode 2: Ramblings | Episode 3: The history of the Goat | Episode 4: ! The Survey ! | Episode 5: Time Travelling Goat Haters | Episode 6: Time Travelling Marshmallows | Episode 7: The original Words to "I was made for loving you" by Kiss | Episode 8: Again with the Ramblings.... | Episode 9: The sect of GunNarhia-Onn-Mhy-Buttuk | Episode 10: Return of the Fuckwhits | Episode 11: The Endless Summer of Fun - a Letter | Other Odd Ornaments
Here Beginneth this crap...
Ahh... I love the smell of rotting cheese in the morning breeze.  If you are one those who delight in the milky wonders of goat cheese and other unrelated items such as Lint, Marshmallows and the wonderous Yak, do wander until your insignificant heart is content.

The history of why this crap started...

One fine gloomy day, in the month of tuesday, in the morning of august...  we read a crappy shitty bit of poo... that was... A FUCKING FORWARD!  hence Episode 1 was born...  from there the goats started to attack and we can't remember much after....